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August 1998, Issue 101

Publisher Rod MacDonald's monthly column

New Developments
What's up in the Atari community

AtariWriter Tricks- Null Modem Transfers
by George Iken

A Look at CD-ROMs for the Atari
by David Guay

MenuInfo- A Clock Accessory and More for the Atari
Reviewed by Scott Tirrell

The Apple Road Show
Scott Tirrell comments on Apple coming to town

Braindead 13 for the Jaguar
Reviewed by Scott Tirrell

Commando for the 7800
Reviewed by Scott Tirrell

Mario Bros. for the 2600
Reviewed by Scott Tirrell

Your Votes for your Favorite Atari games

PD Watch
by Dave Brown

The LaST Word
by Scott Tirrell

There is always room for more articles in ST Informer.  If you want to try your hand in writing, please get in touch with me!

ST Informer is produced by MacDonald Associates.
Atari, ST, STE, Mega, TOS, TT and the Fuji symbol are trademarks of Hasbro.  GEM is trademarked by Digital Research Inc.
Opinions and views expressed by writers and columnists are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.